I'm not going to say I understand what is going on with the dueling magazine conferences that are scheduled to run back-to-back this June but I am going to to say that I've been receiving far too much email from these two organizations. I guess they really want me to attend. But what's a Reptile to do? Choose sides (my loyalty makes me want to go back to the Old Mill but the new conference seems so sexy) ? Cherry pick sessions from both teams? Skip six days of work in a ten-day period and pretend to be at some fabulous magazine festival?
So to help me (and maybe you) decide here is my scoresheet on MagsU vs. MagNet:

Logo: No contest -- the shield by a knockout. It has your writing instruments, your paper, your handshakes and what appears to be your suspended bomb. The new guys have a name. 1-0 MagsU.
Slogans: "Canada's Magazine Conference" (MagNet)
or "The Magazine and Internet Publishing Conference" (MagsU). Not much to choose from here so the shorter one that wisely avoids mention of that internet thing wins by a nose. All tied 1-1.
Websites: Sorry MagsU, cute shields only go so far. MagNet has a groovy
splash page. But wait... beauty is only skin deep. The
MagsU site might be dull but it won't induce a headache. The
MagNet site is migraine central -- since when is reverse type ever a good idea! Especially on a computer screen. Big, loud, reverse type - oh my brain hurts. Turn it off!. Turn it off!!! 2-1 MagsU.
Location: 89 Chestnut versus The Old Mill. Which one has free parking? Charm? A sense of retreat? Score: 3-1 Mags U. Mind you, the out-of-towners might quibble here.
Speakers (ad sales): Big difference in approach - MagNet draws largely on people from our industry. People we know and like. MagsU largely draws on touring American speakers and locals with vested interests (like Bob White from ABC). 3-2 MagsU.
Sessions: Oh who cares. Doesn't it all sound the same? From MagsU we get: "Raise your sales IQ, Media Kits..., Sell extra pages..., Sell more..., and Sell more ad pages using circulation reports". Personally I'm very excited to attend the Schell session where I will finally learn the
"#1 close preferred by buyers". Where has this guy been all my life?! And from MagNet we get three sessions led by Kim Peacock and one by Kim Machado. So if you like the name Kim, I'd go there. Call it a draw. Score remains 3-2 for MagsU.
$$$: Hurry hurry step right up - rates go up after May 4 at MagsU and May 15 at MagNet. Both rate structures are kind of complicated with member pricing, early-bird discounts, volume rates and session length rates. And unlike the real world these magazine types operate in, there will be no negotiating off card. But I see that MagNet offers a free "Rise and Shine Breakfast" so they get the nod here - all tied up at 3-3 .
Well I'm all out of categories and still on the fence with a 3-3 deadlock. So why don't you help me out by pressing the comment button and casting your vote.