Saturday, September 02, 2006

Show me the money

Does anybody know where August went? Sorry for not blogging even once.

A little while back I provided the top ten reasons I like my job. Astute readers will have noticed that "the money" scooped two positions. We reps are on the money side of this business doing little but creating undesirable clutter to pay for desirable non-clutter. We are all about the money. So one would assume that we want to make some money ourselves. Preferably a lot of money.

In a catty comment on DB's blog, I mentioned that Reptile doesn't get out of bed for less than six figures (a tribute to my idol, Linda Evangelista). But isn't that true of us all? In fact, aren't many reps making $200K+?

My comment was in reference to this dreadful sounding job at CLB media (click here and check out the posting of August 24). The salary range for this position is $31,815.00 to $42,420.00. Yuck! (By the way, if you have any idea where these numbers came from, let me know -- all I could tell is that the top end of the range is precisely 33.33333333333...% higher than the bottom end). Even worse, the posting asks respondents to complete an obnoxious screening questionnaire. The final indignity is that you are disqualified if "you ever been convicted of an offence, other than a provincial offence, for which a pardon was not granted or for which a pardon was granted but was revoked." I don't even understand what that means but somehow I suspect that a wild weekend in Wawa back in 1992 has knocked me out of the running.

The last Masthead salary survey pegged the average rep salary at about $80,000. For consumer magazines with 100,000+ circulation, that figure rose to $98,000 (and in Toronto, that would surely be even higher). But I don't think the real money makers would bother filling out some dorky paper survey, folding it origami style and then popping it in the mail. So I'm asking you all here and now to share your most intimate earnings information by clicking the comment button below and answering the following two questions:
  1. Last year, including commissions and bonus, I earned $______
  2. In my best year as a rep I pulled in $_______
I have no way of identifying you if you post a comment anonymously (as everybody seems to do on this blog) so don't be shy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, including commissions and bonus, I earned $_90,000_____
In my best year as a rep I pulled in $___98,000____

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, including commissions and bonus, I earned $_104,000_____
In my best year as a rep I pulled in $___104,000____

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, including commissions and bonus, I earned $_95,000_____
In my best year as a rep I pulled in $___120,000____

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, including commissions and bonus, I earned $_179,000_____
In my best year as a rep I pulled in $___179,000____

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, including commissions and bonus, I earned $75,000
In my best year as a rep I pulled in $75,000

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$70,000 best

3:53 PM  

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