Friday, June 23, 2006

Top 10 reasons I like my job

In looking back at this blog, I realize that it might appear that I don't much care for my job or this business. Well it's time to set the record straight and provide some necessary balance (before I re-embark on my mean-spirited tear, after all it is much easier and more interesting to poke at the sores).

While it might not have been my childhood dream, I've enjoyed my career in advertising sales and still do. Yes it's getting tougher and less personal. But it sure beats being a doctor or lawyer (ever seen a happy doctor or lawyer?). So without further ado, I present the top 10 reasons why I like my job:
  1. No punch clock. We have a job to do and the hours can be long but we have more freedom to come and go than almost any other occupation.
  2. It's nice to have a job where you talk to people for a living. I enjoy one-on-one meetings as well as formal presentations before a group where all eyes are on me (and preferably those eyes are open!).
  3. The money. It can be pretty good. Of course it helps to sell a lot of ads.
  4. The expense account. Lunches, spas, golf – these are the perks of the trade. Good idea to bring a client.
  5. Magazines are interesting. And the product changes with every issue. It's not only readers that look forward to the next one and greet it like a new present has arrived.
  6. Lots of free magazines to read. And reading makes you smarter!
  7. Creative people. It's a privilege to work alongside the creative people that write, edit and art direct magazines. Sure I feel a bit guilty that I earn more and have not one iota of their talent but all the same, I enjoy observing the creative process.
  8. You might find this hard to believe, but I really like agency people. So much so that I call them all the time and will meet them at the drop of a hat. But seriously, they are mostly young, fun, friendly, and smart (they must be reading lots of magazines too). I've almost never left a meeting with a planner and not felt like I made a new best friend.
  9. The money can be pretty good (did I already say that?).
  10. Making a sale. Does anything feel better? Okay maybe a few things do provide more of a rush. But you gotta admit it, this is near the top of the list.
Now somebody send me an insertion order. C'mon, you can do it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great blog keep it up reptile!

a fellow rep

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great blog reptile
very entertaining

from a fellow rep

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I know who you are Reptile.

Male, 40ish, Transcontinental Media.

Been there for too long?

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hummm, I was sure the reptile was a women. Odds are, since 90% of the repitles are of the female gender.

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... your blog. Read it all the time. Being agency myself, I'm almost positive your a Rogers boy. ;)

2:20 PM  

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